On Tuesday, November 13 Big M was presented the 2017 ATA SMC Truck Safety Award 3rd Place and the 2017 ATA SMC Industrial Safety Award 3rd Place at the 2018 ATA Safety, Security & Human Resources National Conference in Long Beach, CA. The ATA National Truck & Industrial Safety Contests are the only two national safety programs that recognize the extraordinary safety accomplishments of motor carriers across the United States by operation size and type. Motor carriers from all 50 states, representing every type and size of operation are encouraged to enter the ATA Truck & Industrial Safety Contests. Carriers are judged on their safety records relative to others within their classes of competition. Safety records are determined from the carriers’ vehicle accident rates or OSHA lost workday case rates.
Benton Elliott, Director of Safety for Big M Transportation, attended the ceremony in Long Beach on Tuesday to accept the awards on behalf of all Big M employees.